Hannah Brown Books

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What Neil Young Taught Me About Autism and Fear

What Neil Young Taught Me About Autism and Fear

FDR was famous for saying, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” I have thought of this often in recent years, mostly in connection with Danny, my 16-year-old son who was diagnosed with autism at age 3.

I’ve come to realize that fear is key to understanding how Danny’s mind works. He is frequently tormented by fear and anxiety — like any other teen — but he can’t articulate those fears the way another boy might. He’s had a lot of changes to cope with: parents divorcing, switching schools, moving to a new apartment, a beloved therapist leaving the country. Even when a change is good, as we all know, it can sometimes be accompanied by fear. I’m one of the lucky parents in that Danny can talk, and so can express some of his worries appropriately…

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Posted in: Huffington Post, News

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